Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sophie, Bella, Pace, 4 Brazilians & 2 Red Necks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!! Belle: "Have fun, we love you!" Brooks: "Bom dia!" Blake: "Love Mama & Daddy."
Grandmary: We prayed the day's requests at breakfast and have not stopped thinking of you all day. B,B&B will be wearing the masks tonight in honor of "Brazil Nite" and hoping to see pics of Mama & Daddy on the next blog. How many hot dogs did Josue eat?? Know God is being glorified in each of you and the wonderful work you are doing. Don't know what you all will eat tonite, but we're having the delicious spaghetti/sauce Eliz.made for us - sorry to mention that!
Keep drinking the water and Guanara! Use the Pepto! Very much love, B,B,B & GM