Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brazilian Chicken Dance?

The brilliance of this place is the absolute similarity to "island time." Hurry hurry so we can get ready, only to wait and wonder for the next hour or two what we are waiting around for. That being said, maybe that is exactly what we are supposed to be learning. I and maybe you are constantly running from one event to the next, whether it be work related, sports activities, work out, you name it, and when you get to this place it controls you , not the other way around. We have to learn patience and to not rush everything all the time. The Brazilians make deep friendships in ways that are really so practical ie. odd games, conversation with lots of pointing, lip reading and futbol(soccer). Perhaps its because when you have so little, as it appears many of them do, you learn the value of making friendships, and easier ways to do so.

Today we learned a multitude of things, first off being, you need buns to complete a hamburger. More importantly, we discovered a combination of the Mexican chicken dance, the hokey pokey and a shot of twist and shout, all the while getting lower and lower, and at times trying to hide from how foolish we looked, or I looked. It is composed of running in circles, big circles, skipping, jumping, thrashing the lambada and just an all out workout that I swear we could sell for 19.99, albeit with no commission being paid to Billy Blanks. A blast to say the least and definitely something that puts any quincinera to shame. Anyhow, everybody is safe and healthy, making friends, learning a little patience and having the time of our lives. So until tomorrow, sleep well.



Jenny Castor said...

Michael, sounds like I just read one of Elaine's entrys in the J.Peterman Catalog....glad to hear workouts are included in the 2010 Brazil Mission trip! Sounds like Christ's love is a contagious disease over there.. hope and pray for continued blessings and little miracles to happen within the circle of friendships you all are nuturing.
Lots of Love to all,
Jenny and Raleigh Castor

Anonymous said...

B,B,B & GM are praying for each of you and missing Landry, Elizabeth, Emily, Parker & Pace!! Pray you are acclimating to heat/humidity/food and schedule; that the hearts are wide open to embrace Jesus and that your testimonies are bold and powerful; great teamwork between VFC team and workers @ camp; don't use more than a drop of soap per 1,000 dishes!! Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. So very much love, Belle,Blake,Brooks &Grandmary