Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Evening Update

Wow!  What a great day in Brazil.  Thank you for those of you that prayed for us!  Tomorrow (Wednesday) we are back with the kids in the morning and then having the afternoon with the teenagers to do a scavenger hunt and then watch a movie in the evening with them.  The goal will be to build relationships and share the gospel.

Although there are many great stories from the day, I wanted to share a great one for me (Josh).  This afternoon our family went to visit a family in Coque that has a son that attends kids place.  The mother is a Christian, but the father, Rafael, is not.  We had a great visit at their home and heard about life and were able to encourage them in areas of parenting and grace.

This afternoon, we had some of the dads from KP come play soccer with the guys from our team.  By "soccer", I mean that we touched a ball, and they took us to soccer school!  At half-time, I had the chance to share the gospel with the men.  Rafael was there.  While I shared, most of our team was praying -- one guy actually told me he was specifically praying for him while I shared.

Anyway, he stayed for dinner with us and shared that he had accepted Christ this evening!  Praise God.  What was also awesome was that there was another dad there that had recently accepted Christ.  They both had questions about sanctification -- although they didn't use that word.  Several of us were able to share the sanctification process with them so that as they start off on their new journey with Christ they have a good understanding.

More tomorrow.

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