Twas the night before Christmas and all through the pousada, not a creature was stirring not even... a rabbit! For those who do not know, we stay in a beautiful little pousada (hotel) on the Atlantic Ocean just minutes from the Fishing Village in a town called Sao Jose do Coroa Grande (St. John's Great Crown). This unique boutique has a strange calling card in that the entire grounds is covered with domestic rabbits! Big rabbits, little bunnies, white ones, black ones, and everything in between. Don't ask me why, but they are everywhere - in the lobby, by the pool, and under every bush. After a while you just get used to them and as I write I can see at least 6 different bunnies lounging about the place. Just another day in paradise!
But I digress... On Dancer, on Prancer, on Donner, and Blitzen! We had lots of work to do today and it was a blessing for all involved. Part of our plan for this week was to minister to the "least of these," so we asked Pastor Josue to choose some of the neediest in his congregation and allow us to help fix up their homes, so the kids would not be sleeping on dirt floors, the roofs would not leak when it rained, and the family would have a working bathroom. Today we visited the rest of the families who had received home improvements, so we could bless them with new sheets, curtains/room dividers, vinyl table clothes, fluffy bathroom towels, and some basic toiletries. The Baileys presented each family with the Candy Cane story book, which we had translated into Portuguese. Boyd did the honors of explaining the meaning of the candy cane to each family.
Cindy gave each house a beautiful framed Portuguese version of the 10 Commandments, as well as a laminated heart with John 3:16 handwritten on it. We told them they could hang these in their homes, so that all who entered would know that this was the House of the Lord and that God lived there. We had lots of tears and stories of how they had struggled to put a roof over their childrens' heads. One woman even had a gift for each of us, which was humbling since the box and wrapping was done with such love. She used old coffee filters, tore them and glued them in a patchwork fashion to cover the box, and then she used some kind of epoxy to seal it all. Seriously, it was a work of art! We did not even care what was inside. The box and care with which it had been created said it all.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that we had a surprise visit from our "anonymous" gift-giver this morning at the Fishing Village. Claudio, who is a retired advertising executive from Sao Paulo, must have asked the girls at the front desk how to find Abreu do Una because he showed up around 10 a.m. with his wife and her sister to see what we were up to. We were baking cupcakes with the village girls when an older woman came walking into Pastor Josue's compound saying there was a man looking for "Brando," which, in the past, has not been a good sign! Of course, it turned out to be our friends from the hotel and they had been driving around the village asking for the "Americans who were working with a pastor." We greeted them, showed them around, and they asked what else we needed for the children. We told them they had already done enough, but they insisted, so we told them some things we were lacking and they drove off to town, returning hours later with toy trucks, purses, soccer balls, school supplies, and all kinds of drinks/snacks for our Christmas program with the kids. I think they wanted to stay, but they finally tore themselves away and promised to come worship with us on Christmas Day. What an unexpected blessing!

We did not get back to the hotel until late, so they had to wait Christmas dinner on us, which was roasted turkey, ham, beef tips, rice, mashed potatoes, and all kinds of cakes and desserts. Marcos is the chef and he puts out a mean spread! The staff were all waiting in the dining room, along with Angela and Lucio, the owners, and when we finally got to dinner, they lit candles and insisted we fill our plates first. It is so hard to serve these Brazilians because they always beat us to the punch! Claudio showed up again and as they were on their way out to meet up with his wife's family for Christmas Eve dinner, he came by our table and gave Boyd and Tallia gifts, so they would have something to open for Christmas and remember their trip to Sao Jose. Such a sweet man. Cindy and Sonya spent the rest of the night rifling through our gift bags and, thanks to all of you who made and gave so much, we were able to give something to each of the hotel staff, as well as wrap a present for everyone that helps Pastor Josue and Ceca run their ministry at the Fishing Village. Special shout out to Pete Chambers, Brian/Christe Dodds, and Barbara Wade, who gave some really cool stuff that will make tomorrow a very special day for our dear Brothers and Sisiters in Christ. Same kudos to Leslie Dailey, who donated tons of new flip flops from Old Navy, Pepper Pierson, Jan/Lamar Smith, all the gals that Kelly Breedlove asked to donate coloring books/pens/crayons/etc (sorry, but w/o Kelly here, I do not all your names, but you know who you are and so does God!), and all of you who were so generous with your hard earned dollars, which went to repair 9 different homes, buy over 100 food bags that will each feed a family of 4 for a month, and so many other things that I cannot list them all here. You guys have made a huge difference in the lives of so many, so celebrate knowing you have laid up treasures in Heaven!
Now, it is time to hit the hay! All the stocking have been hung with care in hope that St. Nick would soon be there. The rabbits are all snug in their beds, with visions of carrots dancing in their heads. Colin and Sonya in their slippers and Cindy and I in our gowns, we cannot wait for tomorrow, when we get to start earning some crowns. Tchau and Boi Noite!