Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday: Josh

Good morning!  Josh here.  I am writing to you on Wednesday morning while the rest of our team teaches the kids in their classrooms.  We just concluded our morning worship, which included some of the kids doing a dance presentation for us.  Really cool.

I wanted to share with you (the parents, siblings, supporters and friends) what yesterday afternoon was like from a leader’s perspective.  After lunch, we had a group of 23 youngsters (ages 11-16) come to hear Cody McQueen give a gospel presentation as it related to his background playing college soccer.  As soccer is HUGE here, he held their attention!  Then, we had the kids break into four groups of five boys each and one group of three girls.  During that time, members of our team shared the gospel with their groups.  From that time, many accepted Christ of for the first time. 

We then headed out to Coque to a soccer “field” made of concrete underneath an overpass.  As we joined in with the Brazilians to play soccer, there were moments where I was able to stop and look around the scene.  Some of group had crossed the street to share Christ with folks standing outside a shop watching the game.  On the other side of the game, clusters of Americans shared the gospel while being surrounded by Brazilians.  Many tools were used to draw them in.  We smiled.  You’d be amazed at how many barriers that lowers.  We painted nails.  We high-fived and hugged kids.  As my heart nearly burst with pride, I was reminded of how our heavenly Father takes great joy in our obedience.  As much joy as I felt watching these young couples being obedient to God, HOW MUCH MORE was our heavenly Father looking down with joy at these moments in Coque.

One of our team talked with a father whose son had been shot and killed several years before under that same overpass.  For several hours yesterday, light penetrated the darkness.  A rough count showed that more than thirty people expressed a desire to accept Christ for the first time yesterday.  Praise God!  Will you join us in praying that the soil would be fertile?  Pray for real growth among these new believers and join us in fervently praying that a pastor would be raised up to minister and shepherd these new believers.

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