Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Coque Visit: Kayla

First let me say a huge wow! This experience already has been God filled. Today we met the children of Kid's Place that are participating in VBS, there are so many precious souls this ministry works with. They children are learning about "Real Heroes" of the Bible, in our particular lesson we are teaching about Joseph and his coat of many colors. The way Joseph handles difficulties and sticks with what God tells him is pretty cool, making him a true hero but I would like tell you about another hero.

After all the children left we had the opportunity to go out into the local area around Kid's Place to visit with families of the children that are attending VBS this week. The families were supposed to come pick us up but our didn't show up so a staff member from Kid's Place took the lead. My group was the Crumps (that’s me), the Seals, Amy and Thomas Burgess, and two very cool translators. As we got to the house and met with our family our team noticed a spirit of darkness that seemed to be looming. After conversation we decided that the matriarch of this family, Naja, was churched and interested in knowing more about Christ but since she can't read I believe she was under the impression she couldn't really know God. We tried several times to explain, with the help of the translators, but it seemed to be getting lost somewhere in the mix. Later, we found out that several of us were all praying for the darkness we could feel to leave, and that is exactly what happened.

The staff member(Celia) from Kid's Place started speaking and this time our translator was translating to us what was happening and, boy, was it good! She was being moved by the Holy Spirit and the Lord was speaking through Celia in a way that our family member, Naja, could understand. Naja shared with us that her husband is an alcoholic and her daughter is an addict as well and that worrying about those things, had in the past, been what kept her from seeking a relationship with Christ. She said she had other things to worry about but Celia told her that Jesus says to cast all our burdens on Him. She expressed that she wanted to know Jesus and be saved. She thanked us and said us coming was exactly what she needed.

Celia is a hero, she wasn't even supposed to be on our visit but was there as a guide since we had no family member come.  She told me later that she felt God telling her to speak, so she spoke It was really something amazing to watch and listen to. I have love in my heart for a Brazilian woman who doesn't speak English and whom I have only met today because she listen and obeyed the God that we serve. We prayed for Naja and her family, we prayed that the evil in her house would be defeated and we ask that if you feel led to please pray for them also.

I am sure there are tons of stories like mine from today (we had 4 teams go out and visit) and I hope everyone reading gets the chance to hear them all. Tomorrow is a new day and I look forward to what God will do! -- Kayla Crump

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