Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Today we realized that the physical and mental workouts we are experiencing are beginning to wear on us. Yawning and dragging our feet, we got out of the hotel and piled onto our bus at 8am as usual. Walking in to see the smiling faces of the brazillian kids raised our spirits and got us ready to face the day! During VBS we had several children raise their hands to accept Christ, and everyone who shared the Gospel felt very encouraged by the outcome. Bonds are being made with those "special" children to each of us, and we make friends and show the love of Christ to these beautiful kids. Please pray for us so we can grow these relationships even more so the kids might trust us, and listen to what we have to say. Pray that our words will be God´s words, and that he will be strong when we are weak. Our E-team that goes out each day goes right into the slums where these people live. Here is a look into the E-team by Mike Darrow:
Monday during the VBS a group from our team went out into an area known to many as the favellas, but the people within this area call it their community, a more positve approach. For myself, it was the first time sharing my faith in this capacity. It was difficult to relate to the people that we encountered. Me describing what it looked like would not do justice to what it actually was like. Knowing that there are areas like this is totally different from walking through and experiancing first hand the living conditions. On every ally corner is a fire, stray dogs bone thin roam the street and the ocassional dirtbike speeds by. The remains of building spill into the street, little kidos run the streets with no shoes, no shirts. Drug addiction and drinking control many of the adults. We came upon one group of people in which our translator offered to share the new of Jesus and they agreed to hear. It had started to rain, and so she invited us into her home. about 10 kids and 4 adults jammed into a space no bigger than your bathroom. What we learned from these people is that they do trust Jesus as their Lord. I felt impacted that these women, despite their living conditions had a belief in God, that He was good and had a plan for their lives. They had huge faith, i admired them for that. I huged each of the women, kissed them on the cheek and prayed with them breifly. Walking in thier shoes opens my eyes to whole new world.
As the week goes on, we will only get more and more tired, so please pray for our strength. We are all excited to continue this mission, with the help of all your support back home. Keep praying for the precious people of Recife, Brazil!
Boa Noite (Good Night)


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys have a great opportunity in front of you to share the love of Jesus Christ. I am praying for safety,strength and the hearts of those you will be evangelizing with. Remember Philippians 4:13 and keep up the great work!


p.s.Tell Alecia that CILT is in 11 days! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mike for painting such a vivid picture not just of the poverty but of the faith of the Recife people. Do you guys remember the story of when Jesus and the disciples were tired and got into a boat to get go somewhere (away from the thronging people)to rest, but when they landed on the other side, there these people and more besides? I think He knows how you feel. I will pray that He will give you that same strength today. I will also pray that you all continue to see these people more and more through His eyes.

Rejoicing w you all in my heart!
Hugs and kisses to Mark, Noah and Mickie-are you rolling your eyes Noah and Mickie?

Gwen B.

Anonymous said...

We are praying that the LORD STRENTHENS you and blesses the mission. "I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5 Your there with Him and He will protect you. Praise the LORD. Your Brother in Christ Rick Kirsch

Pilgrim Mom said...

I know that today (Wed) you will be celebrating that Jesus is alive!

Lord, I pray that as our team shares the Gospel, that you would make it very real to those children and to their families. I pray that their eyes will be opened to the truth and that they will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I pray that distractions will be at a minimun today. That the children will be able to focus and that You will give the translators the right words that will touch their heart. May that realize that they can not earn their way to heaven, but that it is by faith in Your work on the cross.

I pray for every team member strength and energy. I pray that they will not grow weary in doing good -- encourage them by seeing a harvest that only You can provide. As they work together, give them a special unity and purpose. I pray that the work that they are doing will continue to go forth.

All of these things I pray in the name of our Savior, Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

We love you!

Anonymous said...

Praying that people you are getting to know will become imitators of the Lord: in spite of severe suffering, that the message will be welcomed with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. (1Thes. 1:6) Thank you for all you are doing there, be encouraged and strengthened today. Sending cyber hugs to all but especially to Rick and Alecia. We love you guys. Love PAM

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone had a great day, I can't wait to hear about it. Tell Alecia I got 4 new Mandie books at the library and I miss her BIG TIME!!! (Daddy too) I have been going to VBS here. It is fun. Hope yours is too. oxoxoxox I love you ,Breanna Hinston

Anonymous said...

It's such a blessing reading your posts each night. I'm so excited that you're all getting the opportunity to share the love of Christ with the kids and the people who live in conditions we can't even imagine from the comfort of our homes here. I've been praying and will continue to pray for the Lord's blessing on the rest of your time there.


P.S. Love you, Morgan. Can't wait to hear all about what God did when you get back!