Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, June 23rd

Today, breakfast started around 7:30, and by eight, we were on our way to Kid´s Place to greet the kids. You could see how anxious they were to meet us, but they seemed nervous too. However, they quickly warmed up to us, and once the worship and activities started, they forgot about the barriers between us. Many of our crew leaders were touched when some of the kids from last year´s VBS ran up to them and greeted them with a big smile and a hug. They were more than enthusiatic to play the games and make crafts with us, and the many times throughout the day that we shared the gospel with them, they were intent on what we had to say. When asked if they wanted to trust Jesus as their Savior, MANY of them raised their hands. It was a heartwarming experience to hear them repeating the prayer in Portuguese in unison (with an interpreter). We all felt truly blessed to spend this time with the kids. Their pure excitement just to be with us, and their heart to know more about God has been incredibly impacting. Who knew it would be so much fun to play with kids you can´t even communicate with?


Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Praying you have a blessed day today: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to HIS glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father (Col. 1:10-12). Tell Alecia and Rick we love and miss them much and have Alecia give her Daddy an extra big hug and kiss for me today wishing him a happy Anniversary today. Love you Rick. Love you too Alecia, so proud of you honey. Praying for all today, be blessed as you are a blessing.With JOY, PAM

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the fruit He is bringing about through your lives!Isn't it neat to think that some day we will be walking the gold streets of Heaven with these same precious souls that would otherwise maybe not be there if we hadn't shared the gospel with them?

Rejoicing with you all!

Gwen B.
*Noah, I will esp. pray that God shows you a way to post pictures for us on the blog; I know that has been on your heart and would be so neat. Maybe if you can't you can do a slide show to share w the church family when you get back?

Pilgrim Mom said...

We are praising God for the work He is doing in the lives of the children in Recife!
