Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 3

Today we visited Coque favela and Favela da Linha; these are the two spots we will be working at this week. Coque favela's Kid's Place is absolutely a dream come true for many of us on this trip. This is the same building we visited last year, but it was just a cleared out automotive transmission shop. Now, there are bathrooms and classrooms and paint on the walls to match the desks in the classrooms. There is a also an indoor caged court for soccer and other sports. This doubles as a sanctuary, which is how it was used tonight.

We were able to walk through the Coque favela to tell people about tonight's church service. Jesus says, "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" -Mark 1:17. Just by word of mouth, the church service tripled in size. Pastor David was very encouraged. Our group, especially the kids/youth made new friends today.

Carter shared the gospel with Everton; Everton then brought his family to meet Carter, so that he could share the gospel with them. What a testimony!

Tonight we have pictures of Kid's Place and the service.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What joy it is to hear about the seeds you are planting in Recife! I know that look of amazement when a little one (or adult) realizes for the first time that Jesus loves them so much He died for them. The hope in their eyes is indescribable. We are praying Tuesday's prayers for you all day, knowing that God will multiply your efforts and your joy. The pics of Kids' Place are wonderful. Loved seeing my Daniel.
BBB&G miss you very much and love the daily notes from E&L.