Wednesday, June 27, 2007

For God So Loved the World

Amerelo, Preto, Vermelho, Branco, Verde.
Amerelo, Preto, Vermelho, Branco, Verde.
Amerelo, Preto, Vermelho, Branco, Verde.

Today's VBS groups learned colors in Portuguese - not because we want to become the next Picasso, but instead to share the Gospel in a way that is memorable and enticing. Through the wordless book, flavored jellybeans (candy is always good bribery!) and beaded bracelets, today we worked hard to share about our hope in Christ with the Brazilian kiddos at least three times each.

"Desculpa" (I'm sorry), but the internet connection is very sloooooow again, so today's sharing may not have the same amount of pictures for a few days. Quickly, here's the highlights of our second Fort Worth team's adventures on Day 3:

Led by Julie Miller, this Fort Worth team likes to keep it all in the family. Many of these volunteers are mothers and daughters, fathers and sons and even a grandmother and her granddaughter. The Miller family sent two of their six kids along with mom Julie to help her oversee the planning and coordination of three different VBS lessons every day . . . and give her four extra arms and legs for fetching and running all day long!

Molly and her buddy Eryn were a huge help to Sheri and Julie Medley while they handed out the remainder of the backpacks (thanks again, Christ Chapel friends!) to the morning kiddos.

Colin (Sheri's son) and Hudson (another Miller child) added to the energy of father-son pairs Jared & Cruz and Brett & Cole with fun-filled games.

Tammy led three of our youngest gals, Courtney, Parker and Sarah, in a skit that reminded our kids about the meaning behind the five colors I mentioned above that we'd been hitting home all day (in case your Portuguese is a little rusty, we share the Gospel through the colors Yellow - Black - Red - White - Green). Best of all, this skit let every single kiddo eat five jellybeans - never a bad thing, no matter what country you're in!

Christy, Brett and Lauren are great at moving these children from place to place each session - no easy feat as their energy continues to grow (and ours sometimes wanes!) as the week goes on.

Julie Medley and her daughter Elizabeth worked hard to get tiny hands to twist bandanas into bracelets with the colored beads, and Sheri, Cole and Lauren share the history behind the blood of the Lamb of God during Story time.

Sheri also helped Cheryl get Teen Night ready for tonight. For the first time ever, 30 teenage gals were being pampered by our ladies with manicures, pedicures, a pizza dinner and beautiful handmade silver cross necklaces made by a friend of Linda's back home. Purity and forgiveness are not readily available to these young women, so our prayer is that these Brazilian teens will be encouraged and reminded that God is there for them always, even in the dark and corrupt corners of their lives.

Seu Amor, Teu Pecado, Seu Sangue, Tua Fe, Vida Nova.
Heaven, Sin, Jesus’ Death, Resurrection, New Life.

Today's Bible verse was John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

As we learn more about these kids and love on them desperately each day, we are all painfully reminded that this life is harder for them than we can really understand. Our worst days at home may never be as much of a struggle as their best days here in Brazil. As we get ready to leave them tomorrow, may our sadness at their living situations be turned to our hope for their eternal life in Christ . . . where poverty is no longer, abuse is no further, and sadness is no more.

P.S. - Tomorrow night is the Mother's Dinner, where we will serve nearly 500 mothers of the children we've met at each of our three sites. Please pray for energy, patience and a servant's heart during this special time of fellowship. For many of these women, this could be the nicest event they will attend all year. Friday will be our first opportunity to work together as a team of 60 when we go to a nearby fishing village to conduct one massive VBS - where we could see more than 500 kids at one time! With these large activities (and the internet issues that keep popping up), it could be a couple of days until the next entry, so thanks for understanding!


Anonymous said...

Amy, Cory, Toni, Megan, Brett, Cole, Julie, Molly, Hudson, Brandon, Cindy, and all,
So thankful all is going well. Love reading about your week and seeing photos of all you're doing. How awesome that so many kids are being loved on by you in one trip. Praying for a victorious end to the week with a safe and quick trip home. Love to all & wish we could be with you. Lisa, Steve, Elizabeth & Towner Webster

Anonymous said...

Hi to Toni and Megan Meadows...

Just a note to say it sounds like you're doing some fabulous work...finding creative ways to reach the Brazilians...and letting them have a good time in the process...

All good wishes for you and your team as you wrap up your four-day VBS and head out for the fishing village and yet another adventure.

Travel safely and know that you are in our prayers,

Jane at The JAL

Anonymous said...

Love to Courtney and Christy - you all are doing some awesome work - it's an experience no one can forget. Have been anxiously looking for your pictures and today they came thru. Praying for the rest of your trip to be productive and safe.


Anonymous said...

Hello Precious Bret and Cole.
Oh, are we excited to see pictures of you.
We hope today was a blessing for you all.
We are praying for you and asking for rest, joy,
and the love of Christ to just radiate from you.
We had a great day here.

Anonymous said...

Cole and Bret
We love you guys and are so proud of what you are doing! We keep up with you everyday by visiting the VFC site.
Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
xo nonni & the panther